In light of the last year of business it’s important to take stock of positive achievements, new projects completed and shiny fresh new certs and accreditations to add to our portfolio! In March this year we were delighted to learn that certification to I.S. EN ISO 9001:2015 and I.S. ISO 45001:201 had been granted to Ferm Eng. Ltd by NSAI.
- I.S. EN ISO 9001:2015 relates to the formal certificate of registration of Quality Management Systems for which Ferm Eng. were assessed and deemed to comply successfully.
- I.S. ISO 45001:201 relates to the formal certificate of registration of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems for which Ferm Eng. were assessed and deemed to comply successfully.
You can view both our certificates below.
You can view more of our certifications over on our Solutions page.
Very well done and thank you to Lisa McGowan and the team for coordinating and putting in place the necessary health, safety and occupational systems to ensure our NSAI certifications are always renewed and up to date.
NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) is Ireland’s official standards body. They operate under the National Standards Authority of Ireland Act (1996) and they are accountable to the Minister for Business, Employment and Retail. As Ireland’s Official standards body, NSAI aims to inspire consumer confidence and create the infrastructure for products and services to be recognized and relied on, all over the world.
You can view all certified companies that comply with NSAI business standards over on their website here: